Wednesday 9 January 2013

Walcott close to a new deal?

Theo Walcott - Arsenal v Newcastle United - Premier League

Walcott will likely ink a £90K a week deal if slated talks between his representatives and Arsenal eventually materialize.
The Gunners are now ready to do business with Theo making him one of the highest paid earners at the Emirates.  The Arsenal forward has been on impressive form this season especially of late and is their leading scorer with 16 goals this term.
Talks will continue into the transfer window to see how Arsenal decides to shore up their team for the second half of the season. Rumored targets include Barcelona’s David Villa and Adrian Lopez of Atletico Madrid.


  1. Good signals coming from emirate, I hope Wenger will not parade Walcott at the end of this transfer window as a new signing.

  2. Is Walcott worth all the hype? Can he deliver on a big stage? Does he have the charisma to lead a team? I hope this is money well spent!

  3. The Only Special 1 Wale11 January 2013 at 13:59

    Guys, i'll believe it when I see it. Wenger has shown us over time that he trades only at midnight when the transfer window is closing and all negotiating parties are desperate. We have to learn the laws of negotiation from Wenger. If by any chance there's truth in this assertion, then why didn't he pay RVP the salary he deserved, why were Cesc Fabregas and Alex Song allowed to exodus to Barca? One thing you can take to the bank guys is that Wenger will never come short in any transaction. If Theo gets this wage agreed, then you can imagine what exit clauses will be included in the deal. If he has to leave Arsenal in the near future, perhaps you will need a consortium of clubs to be able to pay his exit clause. Question is, will he get a strikers role in the new Arsenal or will he continue to perambulate between the wings and the occasional false 9 position?
