Wednesday 9 January 2013

Back from the holidays ...

It is the 9th day of January 2013 and quite a number of us threw caution to the wind and packed on a great deal of calories. Not to worry all that has been gained can be lost but with a great deal of effort. After all “no pain no gain …”
Below are tips to put you back into shape in a couple of weeks:
  • Take daily brisk walks for about 15 minutes
  •  Reduce your intake of carbs
  •  Eat regularly and light rather that eat sparingly and heavy
  •  Jog for about 15 minutes 2 or 3 times a week
  •  Use light weights to tone up muscles
  •  Drink a lot of water
  • Eat a lot of fruits and negative calorie foods
  • Avoid eating late into the night. After 8 O’clock is too late

The highlighted tips are quite simple enough and will not take you to the gym. Above all you have to be disciplined and set a realistic weight-loss goal. You might want to check your success daily by making use of a weighing scale and also see how you fit into your clothes.
You must at all times endeavor to motivate yourself. Good Luck.

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